overland park dental implants

Dental Implants Preserve Your Smile

Dental implants do much more than just fill the gap in your smile brought on by tooth loss. They can actually preserve your facial features and prevent the prematurely aged appearance that could occur as the result of tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS, prosthodontist talks about the dental implant process. (more…)

Senior Woman Sitting In A Chair Looking At Her Teeth In The Mirror

Why Replace Lost Or Missing Teeth?

It goes without saying that your smile is constantly having to fend off oral health threats. Indeed, from oral bacteria to dental infections and even some of the foods or beverages you consume, there is not much out there that does not pose a potential threat to your smile. What’s more? There is significantly less in terms of natural protections,... read more »

night guard

The Link Between Bruxism & TMJ Disorder

If you have persistent, unexplained headaches, there could be an issue with your jaw. More specifically, the problem could lie with the joints that connect your jaw to the base of your skull. When these joints become misaligned, it causes TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Disorder. It can be very painful and exceedingly difficult to self-diagnose. This issue is bad, but it... read more »

Sinus Lift Surgery - Sinus Augmentation. 3D illustration

Ridge and Sinus Augmentation

It goes without saying that, when presented with the option, nobody would opt to lose a permanent tooth. Not only will it not return, but you will be left to sport a noticeable gap in your grin that also influences the quality of your oral function overall. Fortunately, advances in dental technology have made it possible to seek lifelike restorations... read more »

Close up, Artificial removable partial denture or temporary partial denture on blue ground.

When To Consider Partial Dentures

Your smile serves a variety of important purposes throughout your life, and in order to ensure you receive the most use out of it, you are encouraged to maintain a consistent routine of dental prevention. Indeed, other forms of dentistry – such as restorative and cosmetic – also serve important purposes, however, without your oral health in line, the rest... read more »

Photo portrait of granny blonde hair pointing at white teeth healthy smile dental whitening veneers isolated on bright blue color background.

Enhancing Your Smile With Cosmetic Treatment

Your smile’s health is influenced by a variety of factors, and providing a complete list in a single blog post would be virtually impossible. Some of these include common concerns such as tooth decay and gum disease, whereas others may be as complex or niche as tongue-tie, sleep apnea, and more. Sometimes, however, a person’s biggest concern may involve surface-level... read more »

Hispanic man with beard wearing hipster look with bow tie and suspenders sticking tongue out happy with funny expression. emotion concept.

Benefits Of Treating Tongue-Tie

It goes without saying that your oral health, whether you are aware of it or not, is a complex area of study. After all, there are countless factors that can threaten your smile’s health, integrity, function, and so much more. Though many of these concerns occur as a result of hyperactive oral bacteria and germs, there are a handful of... read more »

Must be sick. Sad african-american guy with fever measuring his body temperature, lying on couch at home

Caring For Your Smile While Sick

Being able to utilize your oral structures to their full capabilities without any issues is ideal. Though consistent preventive care can help make this goal more achievable, sometimes restorative or prosthetic treatment is needed to address a spreading concern. Indeed, caring for your grin is a lifelong process, but it can become difficult to provide the same level of care... read more »

composition of dental prostheses on a white background, for fixation on four implants

Implant Dentures Restore Your Oral Function

In last week’s blog, our team discussed the structural and functional benefits that dental implant posts provide your smile after they have healed, as well as how treatment benefits your oral health overall. As an extension of last week’s blog, this week your Prairie Village, KS prosthodontist will examine the impact losing several structures has on your oral function, and... read more »

Man showing implanted teeth on light background, closeup

How Implants Provide Structural Stability

Your smile is one of your greatest assets, and as such, it is important to take strides to keep your grin happy and healthy. This means taking steps to attend routine checkups, screen for oral cancer, and report any incidents of teeth grinding. Keep in mind, however, that while dental prevention is the foundation for a healthy grin, certain emergency... read more »