Protect Your Smile From Tooth Loss

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Overland Park, KS, prosthodontist offers solutions for tooth loss

Overland Park, KS, prosthodontist offers solutions for tooth loss

Even losing just a single tooth can cause several problems with the function and appearance of your smile. If this happens to you, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible so you can fill the gaps and protect your oral health. Your Prairie Village, KS, dentist offers prosthetic options such as dental implants, bridges, and more to rebuild your smile after loss.

The Causes Of Tooth Loss In Adults

Losing a tooth as a child is a normal rite of passage that happens when your baby teeth make way for the permanent ones. However, as an adult, this can happen due to health conditions or accidents, and it’s important that your pearly whites are replaced as soon as possible. If you have gaps in your smile, it can lead to a change in your appearance and your mouth’s functions. Tooth loss can occur due to trauma to your mouth, serious untreated cavities, periodontal disease, and many other reasons. Periodontal disease is a leading cause of this problem in adults today. If you experience symptoms such as swollen, red, or bleeding gums, it’s important to see your dentist as soon as possible to have them looked at. Ignoring symptoms of gingivitis can allow the infection to worsen and lead to further stages of gum disease, which may result in tooth loss for some patients.

Missing Teeth Can Cause Problems With Speech And Chewing Abilities

When you lose one of your pearly whites, whether it be due to an accident or a health condition, it can cause several changes to your oral health. You may notice that this gap in your smile makes it difficult to chew certain foods or change your speech. Since it can become difficult to eat some foods, you may have to change your diet to softer foods, which can affect your health. Prosthetic options such as dentures or a dental bridge can help replace your lost teeth and improve your smile’s functions.

Your Jaw Can Weaken Over Time And Cause Changes To Your Face

If a gap in your smile is left for a long amount of time, your jaw can potentially become weakened, and you may be at risk of losing more of your teeth. Your other dental structures may shift out of place to try to fill the gap left behind, which can cause misalignment and changes to your face’s structure. To combat this issue, we offer dental implants which can preserve your jawbone while replacing your missing teeth. A post is inserted into your jawbone and will fuse naturally, creating a stable base to connect to the other parts of the prosthetic. This option can help improve your appearance and ability to chew and talk.

We Can Help Address Missing Teeth

Call your Overland Park and Prairie Village, KS prosthodontist, Dr. Stuart Dexter, DDS at (913)362-8200 to learn more about options to replace lost teeth.