The repair of a damaged smile can be a helpful way to revive its bite function. Not only that, but the appearance of a gorgeous and functional smile can do wonders in improving self-image. For repair after a tooth extraction, discuss your prosthodontic options with Dr. Stuart Dexter, DDS in Overland Park and Prairie Village, KS. Depending upon your specific instance of tooth loss, certain possibilities may be more suitable for your needs.
A dental bridge is a common form of prosthodontia that relies upon the strength of the teeth on either side of your gap. When an oral health professional places this prosthetic, it connects to these locations with a new tooth recreation hanging between. If there are concerns with the durability of your remaining structure, a dental implant may be a more suitable option for you. This approach can also be helpful if you are anticipating future tooth loss, as well. With these solutions, renew your ability to chew at the location of dental loss.
Dental Bridges Are Tested Means Of Prosthodontic Repair
The creation of a new prosthetic tooth replacement solution can help you to feel better when you chew. A dental bridge is one common form of repair that finds its strength through the teeth on either side of a gap. Your trained oral health care provider places dental crowns on these and the one long prosthetic covers the area with three new chewing surfaces.
If your mouth is otherwise healthy, this may be a stable option for your smile. A different approach may be necessary if you have broad issues that affect the need for future extractions.
Dental Implants Derive Strength From Your Jaw
Dental implants are another form of prosthodontic solution that can help you to feel secure when you bite. This method builds vigor from the jaw, where a titanium post grows snugly with your natural bone. After recovery, a new prosthetic sits atop the post and acts as a normal tooth.
Durable And Elegant Prosthodontics In Overland Park And Prairie Village, KS
The suitable repair of your smile is a helpful process that can restore bite function in an area after a tooth extraction. Prosthodontics refers to the dental medicine field that crafts and places replacement teeth. A bridge is a prosthetic that spreads strain through crowns on either side of a gap. The hanging prosthetics act as a newly crafted part of your bite. Dental implants are another option to renew your dental wellbeing. These rely upon the placement of a strong titanium post within the bone of the jaw. This solution may be helpful if you are older or more susceptible to tooth loss from illness. Speak with Dr. Stuart Dexter, your Overland Park and Prairie Village, KS prosthodontist at (913)362-8200 today to learn more about your future or to schedule a consultation.