For a number of individuals, the biggest threat to their oral health consists of functional problems that arise from severe infection or decay. In fact, these are the top causes of adult tooth loss, and while an extraction may remove the compromised structure, your problems will not stop there. Problems such as functional difficulties, lack of structural support, and even jaw bone deterioration can occur if implants are not sought in a timely manner. In today’s blog, your Prairie Village, KS prosthodontist will look at the concerns that arise when your jaw cannot support implants and how our team can help.
Deterioration Over Time
It goes without saying that everyone knows brushing your teeth is an excellent oral health habit that can help maintain healthy teeth. Many are unaware, however, that it is only a portion of the standard dental regimen, and that preventive care at home from brushing and flossing need to be paired with a consciousness of certain foods and beverages consumed as well as attendance of a routine dental examination and cleaning once every six months in order to best sustain the health of your grin. When even one of these criteria are not properly met, over time you may experience decay, infection, and even tooth loss. Bear in mind, however, that your problems do not simply end with the removal of a tooth. In fact, bigger concerns may arise that threaten your function, structure, and more. For instance, every tooth is comprised of a crown and a root that is embedded in the jaw to act as an anchor, allowing your crown to properly absorb the pressure of your bite. Without a root occupying that space, your jaw bone essentially is unable to fulfill its intended purpose, and thus experienced deterioration over time.
Lack of Support
Arguably the biggest concern that arises from jaw bone deterioration (especially if multiple missing teeth are involved) is that once you do pursue dental implant restorations to restore your bite’s function, you may not have enough structural support left to retain the biocompatible posts, meaning your new implants will easily come lose. In order to combat this, you will need to first pursue extensive treatment such as bone grafting to rebuild your structure. This often will require prior planning and a longer wait time before you can effectively enjoy a full and complete smile again. For more information on this process, contact our team today.
Steps You Can Take
In most cases, adults can enjoy the benefits of a complete smile fairly quickly after losing a tooth. If one waits too long, however, understand that the process will continue to get worse, ultimately costing you more time, discomfort, and money in the long run. Contact Dr. Stuart Dexter, Prosthodontist in Prairie Village, KS by calling 913-362-8200 to find out how our office can help, or schedule an appointment with our team.