When you have lost a few of your teeth, it can take a significant toll on your oral health and your self-esteem. It can become more difficult to eat some of your favorite foods, talk clearly, and smile with confidence when you have gaps throughout your smile. Dr. Dexter and his team in Prairie Village, KS, offer various prosthetic solutions that can help replace your missing teeth and restore your smile’s health. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about dental implants as one option.
When Tooth Loss Becomes A Problem
Losing just one of your pearly whites can cause significant problems for your oral health. Whether you have lost your tooth due to an accident or periodontal disease, you will need to see your dentist as soon as possible to have it replaced. Untreated tooth loss can cause problems with the function of your smile, your confidence, and can risk further bone loss in some cases. To avoid these concerns and maintain a healthy smile, talk to your dentist about your restorative options.
How Dental Implants Work
Dental implants can replace the entire structure of your lost tooth, including the root. With other prosthetic options, only the visible part of your lost tooth is replaced. While this can be helpful for visual needs, it could risk your jawbone deteriorating over time and your facial structure changing. The post, abutment, and restorative part of the implant work to mimic the root and crown of your missing pearly whites. After having a consultation and getting approved for this treatment, the post will be surgically inserted into your jawbone. The post and bone will fuse together naturally, which can help stimulate and protect the jaw. Once this area has healed, the abutment and restoration can be connected. This prosthesis can be used with crowns, bridges, or dentures depending on your needs.
Maintaining Your New Smile
One significant benefit of this prosthetic option is that it requires minimal maintenance. After you have received your complete implant, you will maintain it by following your standard oral hygiene routine. At home, you will continue brushing and flossing twice a day as usual. Your dentist can show you how to properly floss around the false tooth to avoid damage. Don’t forget to also visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup to detect any potential oral health concerns. With proper care and maintenance, your dental implants could last more than ten years, meaning you can have a confident and strong smile for many years to come.
Talk To Our Team To Learn More
You don’t have to live with gaps in your smile! Learn more about our prosthetic solutions by calling Dr. Dexter in Prairie Village, KS, today at 913-362-8200.